Can you put amazon affiliate links in kindle ebooks? (Warning)

It is possible to include Amazon Affiliate links in Kindle eBooks, but there are some guidelines and restrictions that you need to be aware of:

  1. Compliance with Amazon's policies: You must comply with Amazon's Operating Agreement for the Amazon Affiliate Program, which includes guidelines for promoting Amazon products and services.

    For example, links cannot be 'cloaked' or hidden and you must include a disclaimer letting the person know that there are affiliate links and that you may earn a commission (as specified in Amazon's terms of service.)
  2. Violating any of Amazon's guidelines: may be grounds for both removal of your Kindle eBooks and suspension of your Affiliate account. Is it really worth the risk?

  3. If you're unsure you can always ask Kindle support which has been helpful and responsive.

  4. An alternative route (that I still use for my Kindle ebooks), is to use a link that goes to your website where you can then provide affiliate links through a resource page or directly to your amazon storefront. The latter is probably the easiest option if you don't already have a website, and if you do then the first option may be preferable.


    So you can capture their email through an option and keep in touch :)

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